I\'m a new user in boto3 and i\'m using DynamoDB
I went through over the DynamoDB api and I couldn\'t find any method which tell me if a table is already e
You can use .table_status attr of any boto3 Table instance object. It returns it's status if exists (CREATING, UPDATING, DELETING, ACTIVE) or throws exception botocore.exceptions.ClientError: Requested resource not found: Table:
. You can wrap those conditions into try / except to have full info on the current table state.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')
table = dynamodb.Table('your_table_name_str')
is_table_existing = table.table_status in ("CREATING", "UPDATING",
except ClientError:
is_table_existing = False
print "Table %s doesn't exist." % table.name