If I push view controllers and/or present modal view controllers on a UINavigationController
, how can I find out what is the top most UIViewController
I know the question is old, but it's still popular - that's why I'd like to post my best solution which handles different UIViewController's
subclasses. At the same time you can extend functionality of this method by your custom "collection" controllers such as side menu.
extension UIWindow {
var visibleViewController: UIViewController? {
guard let rootViewController = rootViewController else {
return nil
return visibleViewController(for: rootViewController)
private func visibleViewController(for controller: UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
var nextOnStackViewController: UIViewController? = nil
if let presented = controller.presentedViewController {
nextOnStackViewController = presented
} else if let navigationController = controller as? UINavigationController,
let visible = navigationController.visibleViewController {
nextOnStackViewController = visible
} else if let tabBarController = controller as? UITabBarController,
let visible = (tabBarController.selectedViewController ??
tabBarController.presentedViewController) {
nextOnStackViewController = visible
if let nextOnStackViewController = nextOnStackViewController {
return visibleViewController(for: nextOnStackViewController)
} else {
return controller