When I run the Eclipse.exe within the given folder, it will not start. The Eclipse splash screen will appear for a split second then close. There are no errors.
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I had a similar problem with Eclipse mars. It suddenly over the weekend stopped working and if you ran it from a command window (Windows x64) it would flash up a line or two and then stop.
I installed Eclipse neon yesterday and it worked, but today it stopped working and went wrong in the same way.
Just now I installed the JDK from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
I installed version 8u101 and then neon started. I have not changed eclipse.ini (although I had a look at it) nor have I deleted the plugins (I renamed the folder and found that this had no effect).
Hence I think this difficult to work out problem relates to the JDK/JRE. It would be nice if Eclipse gave a bit more information to go on, but such is life.