I use Tortoise client to checkout/commit my changes to SVN. But I found this little difficult because I\'m not able to find List of all files that are changed in my local copy.
Using Powershell you can do this:
# Checks for updates and changes in working copy.
# Regex: Excludes unmodified (first 7 columns blank). To exclude more add criteria to negative look ahead.
# -u: svn gets updates
$regex = '^(?!\s{7}).{7}\s+(.+)';
svn status -u | %{ if($_ -match $regex){ $_ } };
This will include property changes. These show in column 2. It will also catch other differences in files that show in columns 3-7.
svn status: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.ref.svn.c.status.html
Regex to match results of svn status: Using powershell and svn to delete unversioned files