I have a table with three fields, FirstName, LastName and Email.
Here\'s some dummy data:
FirstName | LastName | Email
Adam West adam@west.c
SELECT ISNULL(FirstName,'')+ISNULL(LastName,'')+ISNULL(Email,'') as Vitals FROM MEMBERS
is recommended, but if you are really hooked on CONCAT, wrap it in {fn } and you can use the ODBC function like:
SELECT {fn CONCAT(ISNULL(FirstName,''), ISNULL(LastName,''), ISNULL(Email,''))} as Vitals FROM MEMBERS
If you need first
ISNULL(FirstName+' ','') + ISNULL(LastName,'')
I added the space on firstname which might be null -- that would mean the space would only survive if FirstName had a value.
To put them all together with a space between each:
RTRIM(ISNULL(Firstname+' ','') + ISNULL(LastName+' ','') + ISNULL(Email,''))