I want a simple static class that accesses the Configuration object. All the config info is already read in from the appsettings.json file in the Startup class. I just need an e
This has already been said but I'm going to say it.
I believe .Net Core wants developers to get values through Dependency Inject. This is what I've noticed from my research but I am also speculating a bit. As developers, we need to follow this paradigm shift in order to use .Net Core well.
The Options Pattern is a good alternative to the static config. In your case, it'll look like this:
"Username": "MyUsername",
"Password": "Password1234"
public class SystemUser
public string Username { get; set; } = "";
public string Password { get; set; } = "";
And to use the SystemUser class, we do the following.
public class TestController : Controller
private readonly SystemUser systemUser;
public TestController(IOptionsMonitor systemUserOptions)
this.systemUser = systemUserOptions.CurrentValue;
public void SomeMethod()
var username = this.systemUser.Username; // "MyUsername"
var password = this.systemUser.Password; // "Password1234"
Even though we are not using a static class, I think this is the best alternative that fits your needs. Otherwise, you might have to use a static property inside the Startup class which is a scary solution imo.