Is it possible to list information about the files (MDF/LDF) of all databases on an SQL Server?
I\'d like to get a list showing which database is using what files on th
just adding my 2 cents .
if specifically looking to find total free space only in Data files or only in Log files in all the databases, we can use "data_space_id" column. 1 is for data files and 0 for log files.
Create Table ##temp
DatabaseName sysname,
Name sysname,
spacetype sysname,
physical_name nvarchar(500),
size decimal (18,2),
FreeSpace decimal (18,2)
Exec sp_msforeachdb '
Use [?];
Insert Into ##temp (DatabaseName, Name,spacetype, physical_name, Size, FreeSpace)
Select DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, ***data_space_id*** , physical_name,
Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2) as decimal(18,2))/1024 as nvarchar) SizeGB,
Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2)/1024 as decimal(18,2)) -
Cast(FILEPROPERTY(name, ''SpaceUsed'') * 8.0/1024.0 as decimal(18,2))/1024 as nvarchar) As FreeSpaceGB
From sys.database_files'
, sum(##temp.FreeSpace)
##temp.spacetype = 1
group by
drop table ##temp