My scene in OpenGL ES requires several large resolution textures, but they are grayscale, since I am using them just for masks. I need to reduce my memory use.
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PVRTC, ATITC, S3TC and so forth, the GPU native compressed texture should reduce memory usage and improve rendering performance.
For example (sorry in C, you can implement it as using GL11.glGetString in Java),
const char *extensions = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
int isPVRTCsupported = strstr(extensions, "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc") != 0;
int isATITCsupported = strstr(extensions, "GL_ATI_texture_compression_atitc") != 0;
int isS3TCsupported = strstr(extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") != 0;
if (isPVRTCsupportd) {
/* load PVRTC texture using glCompressedTexImage2D */
} else if (isATITCsupported) {
Besides you can specify supported devices using texture format in AndroidManifest.xml.