I\'m creating an application that tracks users and achievements (think, xbox live, etc.) These tables are linked via a join table. I would like to have a search form on my inde
Here's a bit of skeleton code to get you started based off what I think you need from what you have said. I hope this is useful.
For the search bit you could do something like this in your index view:
<%= form_for User.new, :url => "search" do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<%- f.text_field :name %>
<%- end %>
In your controller:
def search
q = params[:user][:name]
@users = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE %?%",q])
and in your search view:
<%-@users.each do |user| %>
Name: <%=user.name %>
<%- user.achievements.each do |achievement| %>
<%= achievement.name %>
<%- end %>
<%- end %>
You would, of course, need to ensure the users and achievement models are correctly linked:
class User << ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :achievements