I\'ve been searching but cannot seem to find a solution.
I have a GeoJSON file which is 170mb in size. It contains about 2500 polygons. Somehow I need to render it to a
I cannot argue with psousa's recommendation. For a straightforward presentation, TileMill is a great idea.
However, if you want to overlay your polygons onto another map, I reckon the only way is by using Mike Bostock's TopoJSON and D3.
The main TopoJSON page: https://github.com/mbostock/topojson/wiki
An example at the scale you are talking about: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4206573
You'll have to shop around Mike's excellent examples on github to see how to combine leaflet with a D3 overlay.
I'm currently doing this successfully with hundreds of complex polygons. Haven't had the need to break into the thousands ... yet.