I have a site with multiple subdomains and I want the named subdomains robots.txt to be different from the www one.
I tried to use .htaccess, but the FastCGI doesn\'t lo
For Rails 3:
Create a controller RobotsController:
class RobotsController < ApplicationController
#This controller will render the correct 'robots' view depending on your subdomain.
def robots
subdomain = request.subdomain # you should also check for emptyness
render "robots.#{request.subdomain}"
Create robots views (1 per subdomain):
Add a new route in config/routes.rb: (note the :txt format option)
match '/robots.txt' => 'robots#robots', :format => :txt
And of course, you should declare the :txt format in config/initializers/Mime_types.rb:
Mime::Type.register "text/plain", :txt
Hope it helps.