If I try to change the execution policy, I get a message that says I can\'t modify the registry because I\'m not an administrator.
It seems like this should be possible,
if you want to have an easy way to run a script myscript.ps1
from the windows shell then all you need is a bat Runmyscript.bat
with the following contents:
type myscript.ps1 | powershell -
So simple it makes me wonder why you can't just run the ps1 in the first place, but there we go.
A generic version that prompts for userinput to type the name of the script would be:
set /p filename="Type name of script here: "
type %filename% | powershell -
I suppose if you wanted to, you could also write a generic vbscript script that opens any file in powershell using a dialogue box using this http://todayguesswhat.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/windows-7-replacement-for.html