Is there a tool (or an algorithm) to convert a finite state machine into a regular expression?
(not the other way around, that would be easy).
I believe the best tool I have used is greenery. It is a FSM/regex conversion library for python. You can read more about the library here and the algorithm used is well described here.
The model that can be found on the website can be converted like this:
from greenery import fsm, lego
A, B, C, D, E = range(5)
a, b = 'a', 'b'
# create the FSM
machine = fsm.fsm(
alphabet = {a, b},
states = {A, B, C, D, E},
initial = A,
finals = {C, E},
map = {
A : {a: B, b: D},
B : {a: C, b: E},
C : {a: C, b: E},
D : {a: B, b: D},
E : {a: B, b: D}
# convert it to regex
rex = lego.from_fsm(machine)
The output is the following:
>>> print(machine)
name final? a b
* 0 False 1 3
1 False 2 4
2 True 2 4
3 False 1 3
4 True 1 3
>>> print(rex)
The version on PYPI has some problem with assertions, and the github version has some problems with the memory, but the combination python 3.x + github version is awesome.