- Install m2eclipse plugin
- create new maven project
- next button takes you to archetype selection
- optionally configure archetype catalogues, shouldn't be necessary for this archetype (android-release), as the latest version 1.0.5 is in the central maven repo.
- next, next, next ...
To get it working I did the following:
- download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml save it as user-home/.m2/central-archetype-catalog.xml
- in eclipse create new maven project
- next button
- configure catalogs, add new local catalog point to file created in step 1.
- after closing the catalog configuration dialog, make sure that the drop-down catalog selector is on all catalogs or on the new local catalog that you just defined
- in the filter type 'android-release'
- select the android-release archetype and click next
- enter your selected group-id and artifact-id
I did notice a problem reported that the project directory could not be renamed.
The project had been created on disk, so I imported it into eclipse using
Import > Maven > Existing maven projects