I have a EF4.1 class X and I want to make copy of that plus all its child records. X.Y and X.Y.Z
Now if I do the following it returns error.
The property \'X.ID\
Not sure if it works in 4.1, from http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/474296/Clone-an-Entity-in-Entity-Framework-4:
public static T CopyEntity(MyContext ctx, T entity, bool copyKeys = false) where T : EntityObject
T clone = ctx.CreateObject();
PropertyInfo[] pis = entity.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis)
EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[] attrs = (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[])pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EdmScalarPropertyAttribute), false);
foreach (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute attr in attrs)
if (!copyKeys && attr.EntityKeyProperty)
pi.SetValue(clone, pi.GetValue(entity, null), null);
return clone;
You can copy related entites to your cloned object now too; say you had an entity: Customer, which had the Navigation Property: Orders. You could then copy the Customer and their Orders using the above method by:
Customer newCustomer = CopyEntity(myObjectContext, myCustomer, false);
foreach(Order order in myCustomer.Orders)
Order newOrder = CopyEntity(myObjectContext, order, true);