I\'m trying to implement a flip animation to be used in board game like iPhone-application. The animation is supposed to look like a game piece that rotates and changes to the c
Here is a Xamarin iOS example I use to flap the corner of a square button, like a dog ear (easily ported to obj-c):
Method 1: use a rotation animation with 1
for both x
and y
axes (examples in Xamarin.iOS, but easily portable to obj-c):
// add to the UIView subclass you wish to rotate, where necessary
AnimateNotify(0.10, 0, UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut | UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptions.BeginFromCurrentState, () =>
// note the final 3 params indicate "rotate around x&y axes, but not z"
var transf = CATransform3D.MakeRotation(-1 * (nfloat)Math.PI / 4, 1, 1, 0);
transf.m34 = 1.0f / -500;
Layer.Transform = transf;
}, null);
Method 2: just add an x-axis
rotation, and y-axis
rotation to a CAAnimationGroup
so they run at the same time:
// add to the UIView subclass you wish to rotate, where necessary
AnimateNotify(1.0, 0, UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut | UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptions.BeginFromCurrentState, () =>
nfloat angleTo = -1 * (nfloat)Math.PI / 4;
nfloat angleFrom = 0.0f ;
string animKey = "rotate";
// y-axis rotation
var anim = new CABasicAnimation();
anim.KeyPath = "transform.rotation.y";
anim.AutoReverses = false;
anim.Duration = 0.1f;
anim.From = new NSNumber(angleFrom);
anim.To = new NSNumber(angleTo);
// x-axis rotation
var animX = new CABasicAnimation();
animX.KeyPath = "transform.rotation.x";
animX.AutoReverses = false;
animX.Duration = 0.1f;
animX.From = new NSNumber(angleFrom);
animX.To = new NSNumber(angleTo);
// add both rotations to a group, to run simultaneously
var animGroup = new CAAnimationGroup();
animGroup.Duration = 0.1f;
animGroup.AutoReverses = false;
animGroup.Animations = new CAAnimation[] {anim, animX};
Layer.AddAnimation(animGroup, animKey);
// add perspective
var transf = CATransform3D.Identity;
transf.m34 = 1.0f / 500;
Layer.Transform = transf;
}, null);