What I understand, Haskell have green threads. But how light weight are they. Is it possible to create 1 million threads?
Or How long would it take for 100 000 threads?
from here.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
n = 100000
main = do
left <- newEmptyMVar
right <- foldM make left [0..n-1]
putMVar right 0 -- bang!
x <- takeMVar left -- wait for completion
print x
make l n = do
r <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (thread n l r)
return r
thread :: Int -> MVar Int -> MVar Int -> IO ()
thread _ l r = do
v <- takeMVar r
putMVar l $! v+1
on my not quite 2.5gh laptop this takes less than a second.
set n to 1000000 and it becomes hard to write the rest of this post because the OS is paging like crazy. definitely using more than a gig of ram (didn't let it finish). If you have enough RAM it would definitely work in the appropriate 10x the time of the 100000 version.