I am trying to reproduce a Mathematica example for a B-spline with Python.
The code of the mathematica example reads
pts = {{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}, {4, 0
Use this function i wrote for another question i asked here.
In my question i was looking for ways to calculate bsplines with scipy (this is how i actually stumbled upon your question).
After much obsession, i came up with the function below. It'll evaluate any curve up to the 20th degree (way more than we need). And speed wise i tested it for 100,000 samples and it took 0.017s
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as si
def bspline(cv, n=100, degree=3, periodic=False):
""" Calculate n samples on a bspline
cv : Array ov control vertices
n : Number of samples to return
degree: Curve degree
periodic: True - Curve is closed
False - Curve is open
# If periodic, extend the point array by count+degree+1
cv = np.asarray(cv)
count = len(cv)
if periodic:
factor, fraction = divmod(count+degree+1, count)
cv = np.concatenate((cv,) * factor + (cv[:fraction],))
count = len(cv)
degree = np.clip(degree,1,degree)
# If opened, prevent degree from exceeding count-1
degree = np.clip(degree,1,count-1)
# Calculate knot vector
kv = None
if periodic:
kv = np.arange(0-degree,count+degree+degree-1,dtype='int')
kv = np.concatenate(([0]*degree, np.arange(count-degree+1), [count-degree]*degree))
# Calculate query range
u = np.linspace(periodic,(count-degree),n)
# Calculate result
return np.array(si.splev(u, (kv,cv.T,degree))).T
Results for both open and periodic curves:
cv = np.array([[ 50., 25.],
[ 59., 12.],
[ 50., 10.],
[ 57., 2.],
[ 40., 4.],
[ 40., 14.]])