I\'m tinkering with Akka and need some advice how to implement something specific i have in mind. I want to have an actor which i can send a DownloadFile(URI, File)
Give this a shot; it creates three - but you could configure it to create as many as you like - downloaders, so that three download requests could be processed concurrenty.
sealed trait DownloaderMessage
case class DownloadFile(uri: URI, file: File) extends DownloaderMessage
object Downloader {
val dispatcher = Dispatchers.newExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealingDispatcher("pool").build
class Downloader extends Actor {
self.lifeCycle = Permanent
self.dispatcher = Downloader.dispatcher
def receive = {
case DownloadFile(uri, file) =>
// do the download
trait CyclicLoadBalancing extends LoadBalancer { this: Actor =>
val downloaders: List[ActorRef]
val seq = new CyclicIterator[ActorRef](downloaders)
trait DownloadManager extends Actor {
self.lifeCycle = Permanent
self.faultHandler = OneForOneStrategy(List(classOf[Exception]), 5, 5000)
val downloaders: List[ActorRef]
override def preStart = downloaders foreach { self.startLink(_) }
override def postStop = self.shutdownLinkedActors()
class DownloadService extends DownloadManager with CyclicLoadBalancing {
val downloaders = List.fill(3)(Actor.actorOf[Downloader])