By now, most mainstream browsers have started integrating optimizing JIT compilers to their JavaScript interpreters/virtual machines. That\'s good for everyone. Now, I\'d be har
This article series discusses the optimisations of V8. In summary:
The first two points might not help you very much in this situation. The third might show insight into getting things cached together. The last might help you create objects with same properties so they use the same hidden classes.
This blog post discusses some of the optimisations of SquirrelFish Extreme:
TraceMonkey is optimised via tracing. I don't know much about it but it looks like it detects the type of a variable in some "hot code" (code run in loops often) and creates optimised code based on what the type of that variable is. If the type of the variable changes, it must recompile the code - based off of this, I'd say you should stay away from changing the type of a variable within a loop.