In Google IO the new build system gradle is announced to replace ant. My project is using aspectj and I would like to use it in my project. I couldn\'t figure out some variabl
I figured out that the AAR can not be used as a jar library in my code. If you are using dependencies like this
compile ''
You need to find the jar file and add to the classpath. The following code will do it.
tree = fileTree(dir: "${project.buildDir}/exploded-bundles", include: '**/classes.jar')
tree.each { jarFile ->
iajcClasspath += ":" + jarFile
So the whole section would be:
variant.javaCompile.doLast {
// Find the android.jar and add to iajc classpath
def androidSdk = android.adbExe.parent + "/../platforms/" + android.compileSdkVersion + "/android.jar"
println 'Android SDK android.jar path: ' + androidSdk
def iajcClasspath = androidSdk + ":" + configurations.compile.asPath
configurations.compile.dependencies.each { dep ->
if(dep.hasProperty("dependencyProject")) {
iajcClasspath += ":" + dep.dependencyProject.buildDir + "/bundles/release/classes.jar"
// handle aar dependencies pulled in by gradle (Android support library and etc)
tree = fileTree(dir: "${project.buildDir}/exploded-bundles", include: '**/classes.jar')
tree.each { jarFile ->
iajcClasspath += ":" + jarFile
println 'Classpath for iajc: ' + iajcClasspath
ant.taskdef( resource:"org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/", classpath: configurations.ajc.asPath)
For the full example please see the build.gradle for AnyMemo project here: