Alright thought I would throw this one out there for the crowd to think over.
Given a function (written in javascript) that expects two strings
Here is my function, hope it helps.
function averageColors( colorArray ){
var red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < colorArray.length; i++ ){
red += hexToR( "" + colorArray[ i ] + "" );
green += hexToG( "" + colorArray[ i ] + "" );
blue += hexToB( "" + colorArray[ i ] + "" );
//Average RGB
red = (red/colorArray.length);
green = (green/colorArray.length);
blue = (blue/colorArray.length);
console.log(red + ", " + green + ", " + blue);
return new THREE.Color( "rgb("+ red +","+ green +","+ blue +")" );
//get the red of RGB from a hex value
function hexToR(h) {return parseInt((cutHex( h )).substring( 0, 2 ), 16 )}
//get the green of RGB from a hex value
function hexToG(h) {return parseInt((cutHex( h )).substring( 2, 4 ), 16 )}
//get the blue of RGB from a hex value
function hexToB(h) {return parseInt((cutHex( h )).substring( 4, 6 ), 16 )}
//cut the hex into pieces
function cutHex(h) {if(h.charAt(1) == "x"){return h.substring( 2, 8 );} else {return h.substring(1,7);}}