I like to use a progress bar while running slow for
loops. This could be done easily with several helpers, but I do like the tkProgressBar
from tcl
The problem is that the for-loop in R is treated special. A normal function is not allowed to look like that. Some small tweaks can make it loop pretty close though. And as @Aaron mentioned, the foreach package's %dopar%
paradigm seems like the best fit. Here's my version of how it could work:
`%doprogress%` <- function(forExpr, bodyExpr) {
forExpr <- substitute(forExpr)
bodyExpr <- substitute(bodyExpr)
idxName <- names(forExpr)[[2]]
vals <- eval(forExpr[[2]])
e <- new.env(parent=parent.frame())
pb <- tkProgressBar(title = "Working hard:", min = 0, max = length(vals), width = 300)
for (i in seq_along(vals)) {
e[[idxName]] <- vals[[i]]
eval(bodyExpr, e)
setTkProgressBar(pb, i, label=paste( round(i/length(vals)*100, 0), "% ready!"))
# Example usage:
foreach(x = runif(10)) %doprogress% {
# do something
if (x < 0.5) cat("small\n") else cat("big")
As you can see, you have to type x = 1:10
instead of x in 1:10
, and the infix operator %
is needed to get hold of the looping construct and the loop body. I currently don't do any error checking (to avoid muddling the code). You should check the name of the function ("foreach"
), the number of arguments to it (1
) and that you actually get a valid loop variable ("x"
) and not an empty string.