Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the iPad/iPhone scaling their background images down to fit the view port.
In my case, I\'m swapping out background images
First of all, if you export your image as a 32 bit png (I use Fireworks to do so), and use that png in your background instead of a jpg file, IOS won't scale the image. Works like a charm, and the size is about the same as a jpg with 100% quality (slightly smaller actually)
Also, aditionally for a better experience in ipad / iphone, you should:
a) set a min with do the body tag (mine is usually 980px)
body {
min-width: 980px;
b) set the same width to the viewport meta tag
Users should now be able to:
- see the design as you have created it
- zoom the content (wich they couldn't if you used "initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" on the viewport meta tag)
- change the device landscape to portrait and vice versa with no issues