I have a simple AVCaptureSession running to get a camera feed in my app and take photos. How can I implement the \'pinch to zoom\' functionality using a UIGestureRecognize
In swift version, you can zoom in/out by simply passing scaled number on videoZoomFactor. Following code in UIPinchGestureRecognizer handler will solve the issue.
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
switch gesture.state {
case .began:
self.pivotPinchScale = device.videoZoomFactor
case .changed:
var factor = self.pivotPinchScale * gesture.scale
factor = max(1, min(factor, device.activeFormat.videoMaxZoomFactor))
device.videoZoomFactor = factor
} catch {
// handle exception
In here, pivotPinchScale is a CGFloat property that declared in your controller somewhere.
You may also refer to following project to see how camera works with UIPinchGestureRecognizer. https://github.com/DragonCherry/CameraPreviewController