I have a rails app that I\'m moving to another server and I figure I should use db:schema:load to create the mysql database because it\'s recommended. My problem is that I\'m u
In Capistrano 3 / Rails 4, the default deploy syntax has changed. You can do this instead:
desc 'Deploy app for first time'
task :cold do
invoke 'deploy:starting'
invoke 'deploy:started'
invoke 'deploy:updating'
invoke 'bundler:install'
invoke 'deploy:db_setup' # This replaces deploy:migrations
invoke 'deploy:compile_assets'
invoke 'deploy:normalize_assets'
invoke 'deploy:publishing'
invoke 'deploy:published'
invoke 'deploy:finishing'
invoke 'deploy:finished'
desc 'Setup database'
task :db_setup do
on roles(:db) do
within release_path do
with rails_env: (fetch(:rails_env) || fetch(:stage)) do
execute :rake, 'db:setup' # This creates the database tables AND seeds
If you're cautious of invoking the standard deploy tasks manually in the :cold
task (as they may change in upcoming version or if you have a custom deploy task), you can also simply call deploy:db_setup
before running deploy
To perform db:schema:load
instead of db:setup
, you can simply change the rake task, like so:
desc 'Load DB Schema'
task :db_schema_load do
execute :rake, 'db:schema:load'