While working on an answer to this question, I wrote this snippet:
var buffer = new BufferBlock
Alas, it's the end of September 2015, and although i3arnon fixed the error it is not solved in the version that was released two days after the error was fixed: Microsoft TPL Dataflow version 4.5.24.
However IReceivableSourceBlock.TryReceive(...) works correctly. An extension method will solve the problem. After a new release of TPL Dataflow it will be easy to change the extension method.
/// This extension method returns all available items in the IReceivableSourceBlock
/// or an empty sequence if nothing is available. The functin does not wait.
/// The type of items stored in the IReceivableSourceBlock
/// the source where the items should be extracted from
/// The IList with the received items. Empty if no items were available
public static IList TryReceiveAllEx(this IReceivableSourceBlock buffer)
/* Microsoft TPL Dataflow version 4.5.24 contains a bug in TryReceiveAll
* Hence this function uses TryReceive until nothing is available anymore
* */
IList receivedItems = new List();
T receivedItem = default(T);
while (buffer.TryReceive(out receivedItem))
return receivedItems;
while (await this.bufferBlock.OutputAvailableAsync())
// some data available
var receivedItems = this.bufferBlock.TryReceiveAllEx();
if (receivedItems.Any())