Given an arbitrary list of column names in a data.table
, I want to concatenate the contents of those columns into a single string stored in a new column. The column
C to the rescue!
Stealing some code from data.table we can write a C function that works way faster (and could be parallelized to be even faster).
First make sure you have a working C++ toolchain with:
fx <- inline::cfunction( signature(x = "integer", y = "numeric" ) , '
return ScalarReal( INTEGER(x)[0] * REAL(y)[0] ) ;
' )
fx( 2L, 5 ) #Should return 10
Then this should work (assuming integer-only data, but the code can be extended to other types):
header <- "
//Taken from
static inline void reverse(char *upp, char *low)
while (upp>low) {
char tmp = *upp;
*upp = *low;
*low = tmp;
void writeInt32(int *col, size_t row, char **pch)
char *ch = *pch;
int x = col[row];
if (x == INT_MIN) {
*ch++ = 'N';
*ch++ = 'A';
} else {
if (x<0) { *ch++ = '-'; x=-x; }
// Avoid log() for speed. Write backwards then reverse when we know how long.
char *low = ch;
do { *ch++ = '0'+x%10; x/=10; } while (x>0);
reverse(ch, low);
*pch = ch;
//end of copied code
worker_fun <- inline::cfunction( signature(x = "list", preallocated_target = "character", columns = "integer", start_row = "integer", end_row = "integer"), includes = header , "
const size_t _start_row = INTEGER(start_row)[0] - 1;
const size_t _end_row = INTEGER(end_row)[0];
const int max_out_len = 256 * 256; //max length of the final string
char buffer[max_out_len];
const size_t num_elements = _end_row - _start_row;
const size_t num_columns = LENGTH(columns);
const int * _columns = INTEGER(columns);
for(size_t i = _start_row; i < _end_row; ++i) {
char *buf_pos = buffer;
for(size_t c = 0; c < num_columns; ++c) {
if(c > 0) {
buf_pos[0] = ',';
writeInt32(INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(x, _columns[c] - 1)), i, &buf_pos);
SET_STRING_ELT(preallocated_target,i, mkCharLen(buffer, buf_pos - buffer));
return preallocated_target;
" )
#Test with the same data
RowCount <- 5e6
DT <- data.table(x = "foo",
y = "bar",
a =, RowCount, TRUE),
b =, RowCount, TRUE),
c =, RowCount, TRUE),
d =, RowCount, TRUE),
e =, RowCount, TRUE),
f =, RowCount, TRUE))
## Generate an expression to paste an arbitrary list of columns together
ConcatCols <- list("a","b","c","d","e","f")
## Do it 3x as many times
ConcatCols <- c(ConcatCols,ConcatCols,ConcatCols)
ptm <- proc.time()
preallocated_target <- character(RowCount)
column_indices <- sapply(ConcatCols, FUN = function(x) { which(colnames(DT) == x )})
x <- worker_fun(DT, preallocated_target, column_indices, as.integer(1), as.integer(RowCount))
DT[, State := preallocated_target]
proc.time() - ptm
While your (integer only) example runs in about 20s on my PC, this runs in ~5s and can be easily parallelized.
Some things to note:
EDIT: The approach below would actually fail due to the way clusterExport
and R string storage work. Paralellization thus probably needs to be done in C as well, similarly to the way it is achieved in data.table.
Since you cannot pass inline-compiled functions across R processes, paralellization requires some more work. To be able to use the above function in parallel, you either need to compile it separately with R compiler and use dyn.load
OR wrap it in a package OR use a forking backend for parallel (I don't have one, forking works only on UNIX).
Running in parallel would then look something like (not tested):
no_cores <- detectCores()
# Initiate cluster
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)
#Preallocated target and prepare params
num_elements <- length(DT[[1]])
preallocated_target <- character(num_elements)
block_size <- 4096 #No of rows processed at once. Adjust for best performance
column_indices <- sapply(ConcatCols, FUN = function(x) { which(colnames(DT) == x )})
num_blocks <- ceiling(num_elements / block_size)
c("DT","preallocated_target","column_indices","num_elements", "block_size"))
clusterEvalQ(cl, )
parLapply(cl, 1:num_blocks ,
throw_away <-
worker_fun(DT, preallocated_target, columns,
(block_id - 1) * block_size + 1, min(num_elements, block_id * block_size - 1))