I have an activity contains too many UI controls. I want to execute a method after make the activity visible.
An example i tried:
Move your code to onResume
protected void onResume()
Check the activity lifecycle
protected void onResume ()
Called after onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle), onRestart(), or onPause(), for your activity to start interacting with the user. This is a good place to begin animations, open exclusive-access devices (such as the camera), etc.
Keep in mind that onResume is not the best indicator that your activity is visible to the user; a system window such as the keyguard may be in front. Use onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) to know for certain that your activity is visible to the user (for example, to resume a game).
Derived classes must call through to the super class's implementation of this method. If they do not, an exception will be thrown.