I\'m tring to create a directive that will center a div.
So far, I have this code:
app.directive(\"setcenter\", function () {
return {
I had a similar issue and found that the dimensions were reliably correct when all the ng-ifs (or anything else using ngAnimate) on the page had been resolved - it's possible something similar is happening here. If so, this would do the trick without adding any new listeners:
$scope.tryGetElementDimensions = function () {
if (!angular.element("your-element") || ((angular.element("your-element")[0].classList).contains("ng-animate")
$timeout(function() {
else {
$scope.getElementDimensions = function (){
//whatever you actually wanted to do
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
Angular adds ng-animate and ng-enter, ng-leave classes while it's animating and you can be confident it's finished when these classes have all been removed. $timeout without a second argument just waits for the next digest.