I am developing a project that is intended to use the GPS capabilities of an Android phone and a nearby station to compute positioning to a much more precise degree (cm), using
No, it is not practical to get any lower level access to the GPS device by an Android application. This has several reasons:
The application has no other means of accessing the GPS device as through the Java based API. Native code is forbidden to use most devices and usually needs a Java wrapper to tunnel through the sandbox for Android sensor devices. This makes up the main security concept.
If native code would have access to the GPS device on a lower level, it would have to cope with several different manufacturers protocols now not abstracted by the API. Best chances are to get access to custom NMEA codes, which may still have device dependent caveats.
Even if lower level access would be possible, one loses the integrated merging of other location sources like WLAN and cellphone carrier, that are presumably merged in native code below the Java API but above the NMEA protocol.