I\'m writing an application with python and sqlalchemy-0.7. It starts by initializing the sqlalchemy orm (using declarative) and then it starts a multithreaded web server - I\'m
Yes, this is the right way.
The Flask microframework with Flask-sqlalchemy extension does what you described. It also does .remove() automatically at the end of each HTTP request ("view" functions), so the session is released by the current thread. Calling just .commit() is not sufficient, you should use .remove().
When not using Flask views, I usually use a "with" statement:
def get_db_session():
yield session
with get_db_session() as session:
# do something with session
You can create a similar decorator.
Scoped session creates a DBMS connection pool, so this approach will be faster than opening/closing session at each HTTP request. It also works nice with greenlets (gevent or eventlet).