IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
%run rl_base.py
I run this giving error saying rl_bas
A way is also using colabcode.. You will have full ssh access with Visual Studio Code editor.
# install colabcode
!pip install colabcode
# import colabcode
from colabcode import ColabCode
# run colabcode with by deafult options.
# ColabCode has the following arguments:
# - port: the port you want to run code-server on, default 10000
# - password: password to protect your code server from being accessed by someone else. Note that there is no password by default!
# - mount_drive: True or False to mount your Google Drive
!ColabCode(port=10000, password="abhishek", mount_drive=True)
It will prompt you with a link to visual studio code editor with full access to your colab directories.