I need to generate diffrent reactJS code based on datamodel but I get
In file \"~/Scripts/Grid.jsx\": Parse Error: Line 13: Unexpected token if (at lin
You could also use a ternary (inline if/else) statement. It might look like this:
row = this.props.cells.map(function(cell, i) {
return (cell.URL != null && cell.URL.length > 0) ?
({cell.Text} ) :
({cell.Text} )
or es6
row = this.props.cells.map((cell, i) => (cell.URL != null && cell.URL.length > 0) ?
({cell.Text} ) :
({cell.Text} )
but, for readability, I would suggest nilgun's answer.
Although I would remove the else statement, since it is redundant. You could also remove the curly brackets, this is a matter of preference.
row = this.props.cells.map(function(cell, i) {
if(cell.URL != null && cell.URL.length > 0)
return {cell.Text} ;
return {cell.Text} ;