Take the following:
var x = new Action(() => { Console.Write(\"\") ; });
var y = new Action(() => { });
var a = x.GetHashCode();
var b = y.GetHash
My first attempt of a better implementation:
public class DelegateEqualityComparer:IEqualityComparer
public bool Equals(Delegate del1,Delegate del2)
return (del1 != null) && del1.Equals(del2);
public int GetHashCode(Delegate obj)
return 0;
int result = obj.Method.GetHashCode() ^ obj.GetType().GetHashCode();
if(obj.Target != null)
result ^= RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);
return result;
The quality of this should be good for single cast delegates, but not so much for multicast delegates (If I recall correctly Target/Method return the values of the last element delegate).
But I'm not really sure if it fulfills the contract in all corner cases.
Hmm it looks like quality requires referential equality of the targets.