Are there django commands that
A. Delete all tables
B. delete all data in all tables
C. Create all tables as defined in the model?
If you have the client libraries installed for your database, you can run this:
python sqlflush | python dbshell
This doesn't drop the tables, but truncates them.
There isn't a command that does the it all in one go, but this "one liner" will drop all the tables and then re-create them. It would only work if you were running on a system that provides these utilities at the shell.
echo 'from django.conf import settings; print settings.INSTALLED_APPS; quit();' | python shell --plain 2>&1 | tail -n1 | sed -r "s|^.*\((.*)\).*$|\1|; s|[',]| |g; s|django\.contrib\.||g" | xargs python sqlclear | python dbshell && python syncdb