adb doesn\'t recognize my Nexus 10 on Windows 7. Here\'s what I\'ve done:
I have been struggling with the same problem for a month. I tried other Nexus 10's, other ports, other computers ... everything. I thought I tried other USB cables too, but maybe not enough, as when a friend gave me yet another cable debugging worked.
It turns out the problem for me was that the EMI protection of the PC fires off when Nexus 10 is connected via a bad cable to a bad (front-case) port. It is a big tablet, so my guess is it draws a lot of current, and this combined with a badly shielded cable makes the PC freak out.
So my suggestion to people who couldn't solve the problem in any other way is: get a good USB cable (one where the connectors are bulky - means better shielding), rather than a cheap one.
On the picture: the red cable is bad, the black one is good.
Have fun,