I have prepared a from using ReactiveForms provided by angular2/forms. This form has a form array products:
this.checkoutFormGroup = this.fb.group({
While casting the AbstractControl to a FormArray before using the at()
method is a way of doing it, I haven't seen anybody pointing out that you can also do it using the get()
method, which requires no casting.
According to Angular's Documentation, the signature of get()
is :
get(path: string | (string | number)[]): AbstractControl | null
Which means you can also access FormArray's controls with it.
Example :
const formGroup = new FormGroup({
list: new FormArray([
new FormControl('first'),
new FormControl('second'),
const firstValue = formGroup.get('list.0').value; // Returns 'first'
const secondValue = formGroup.get('list.1').value; // Returns 'second'
This is really useful, when you want to bind a FormControl in the HTML, where you can't cast anything :
Here is a summary of ways of doing it :
const firstControl = listControl.get('list.0');
const firstControl = listControl.get(['list', 0]);
const firstControl = listControl.get('list').get('0'); // You need a string and not a number
const listControl = formGroup.get('list') as FormArray;
const firstControl = listControl.at(0);