A class:
class foo{
int data;
Now I want to add a method to this class, to do some comparison, to see if its data is equal to on
There are many ways of doing this with the STL.
If you have an incredibly large number of items and you want to test if your given item is a member of this set, use set or unordered_set. They allow you to check membership in log n
and constant time respectively.
If you keep the elements in a sorted array, then binary_search will also test membership in log n
For small arrays, a linear search might however preform significantly faster (as there is no branching). A linear search might even do 3-8 comparisons in the time it takes the binary search to 'jump around'. This blog post suggests there to be a break-even point at proximately 64 items, below which a linear search might be faster, though this obviously depends on the STL implementation, compiler optimizations and your architecture's branch prediction.