I have few images that looks different on right-to-left. Is it possible to create rtl specific drawable directory or some rtl post-fix for file names to auto-load relevant image
For 17+ (4.2.x+) you can use layout direction (ld) resources qualifier, for right to left (RTL) you can use ldrtl and for left to right (LTR) you can use ldltr, e.g. you can use
drawable // Default
drawable-ldltr // LTR
drawable-ldrtl // RTL
Also as any other qualifier you can combine it with many others e.g. drawable-ldrtl-xhdpi
, please note how ldrtl comes before xhdpi otherwise aapt will complain.
And as @Dennis mentioned from 19+ (4.4+) it gets easier as you can use autoMirrored