Suppose I have a model user
, which has a uniqueness constraint on the email
If I call Factory(:user)
once all is well, but i
If you only need to generate a few values for attributes, you can also add a method to String, which keeps track of the prior strings used for an attribute. You could then do something like this:
factory :user do
fullname {'user_fullname') }
I use this approach for seeding. I wanted to avoid sequence numbers, because they do not look realistic.
Here the String extension which makes this happen:
class String
# Makes sure that the current string instance is unique for the given id.
# If you call unique multiple times on equivalent strings, this method will suffix it with a upcounting number.
# Example:
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc"
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc-1"
# puts "abc".unique("some_attribute") #=> "abc-2"
# puts "abc".unique("other") #=> "abc"
# Internal:
# We keep a data structure of the following format:
# @@unique_values = {
# "some_for_id" => { "used_string_1" : 1, "used_string_2": 2 } # the numbers represent the counter to be used as suffix for the next item
# }
def unique(for_id)
@@unique_values ||= {} # initialize structure in case this method was never called before
@@unique_values[for_id] ||= {} # initialize structure in case we have not seen this id yet
counter = @@unique_values[for_id][self] || 0
result = (counter == 0) ? self : "#{self}-#{counter}"
counter += 1
@@unique_values[for_id][self] = counter
return result
Caution: This should not be used for lots of attributes, since we track all prior strings (optimizations possible).