I want to share a latex document via git with many other people. Therefore we decided to put all the special sty files, that are not present in everyones latex-installation, in
There is a feature documented under Utility subroutines
on page 48 here in latexmk which can update TEXINPUTS
during a run. If you can consider to use the .latexmkrc file to configure your chain and options, you can add ensure_path()
to the file:
Here is an example:
# .latexmkrc
ensure_path('TEXINPUTS', './path/to/something//', '/full/path/to/something/else//')
# [...] Other options goes here.
$pdf_update_method = 3;
$xelatex = 'xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error %O %S';
$pdf_previewer = 'start "%ProgramFiles%/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe" %O %S';
$out_dir = 'build/';
Notice the //
at the end of a path, This will aid LaTeX to search for files in the specified directory and in all subdirectories.
Please note that while this is an amazing feature, you need to take good care of your naming scheme. If you use the same file name several places, you can run into trouble when importing them with, say