I am using Angular CLI to build an app for production using the --prod
The bundle is created in the dist directory.
Is there a way to know
The angular team strongly recommends to only use source-map-explorer to analyze your bundle size instead of webpack-bundle-analyzer. According to them, webpack-bundle-analyzer and a few other similar tools doesn't give the actual info pertaining to angular build process.
More info can be found at web.dev - https://youtu.be/B-lipaiZII8?t=215
To install source-map-explorer globally:-
npm i source-map-explorer
yarn global add source-map-explorer
To analyze bunndle size :-
source-map-explorer dist/my-awesome-project/main.js
Remember to have your source map files available.
SIDE NOTE: I have personally used webpack-bundle-analyzer for quite a long time. But from now on source-map-explorer.