I am using emacs 24 on fedora 17. I installed markdown-mode
, but whenever I try to export a file by typing C-c C-c m
or C-c C-c p
in emacs
This error occurs when you do not have a markdown parser installed. Installing one is simple with brew. From the command line:
brew install markdown
This should result in something like:
==> Downloading http://daringfireball.net/projects/downloads/Markdown_1.0.1.zip
######################################################################## 100.0%
/usr/local/Cellar/markdown/1.0.1: 2 files, 40K, built in 2 seconds
Before running that command, I had the same error you did. After running that command, which installs a markdown parser on your system, the emacs commands C-c C-c m
and C-c C-c p
worked as expected by opening an HTML version of my markdown file in either another buffer or the browser, respectively.