Today the PHP team released the PHP 5.5.0 version, which includes support for generators. Reading the documentation, I noticed that it does exactly what it coul
An array has to contain each value that you're looping over before you start looping; a generator creates each value "on the fly" as it is requested, so a lot less memory;
An array works with the values it contains, and has to be prepopulated with those values; a generator can create values according to special criteria to be used directly... e.g. a fibonnaci sequence, or letters from a non-A-Z alphabet (calculated by the UTF-8 numeric value) effectively allowing alphaRange('א','ת');
function fibonacci($count) {
$prev = 0;
$current = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
yield $prev;
$next = $prev + $current;
$prev = $current;
$current = $next;
foreach (fibonacci(48) as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;
Just for fun, here's a generator that will return the Hebrew alphabet as UTF-8 characters
function hebrewAlphabet() {
$utf8firstCharacter = 1488;
$utf8lastCharacter = 1514;
for ($character = $utf8firstCharacter; $character <= $utf8lastCharacter; ++$character) {
yield html_entity_decode(''.$character.';', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
foreach(hebrewAlphabet() as $character) {
echo $character, ' ';