I have the following validation in my ActiveRecord.
validates :active, :inclusion => {:in => [\'Y\', \'N\']}
I am using the following to
If you have more elements to test than a boolean Y/N then you could also try.
it "should allow valid values" do
%w(item1 item2 item3 item4).each do |v|
should allow_value(v).for(:field)
it { should_not allow_value("other").for(:role) }
You can also replace the %w()
with a constant you have defined in your model so that it tests that only the constant values are allowed.
CONSTANT = %w[item1 item2 item3 item4]
validates :field, :inclusion => CONSTANT
Then the test:
it "should allow valid values" do
Model::CONSTANT.each do |v|
should allow_value(v).for(:field)