Plot dendrogram using sklearn.AgglomerativeClustering

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刺人心 2021-01-31 15:17

I\'m trying to build a dendrogram using the children_ attribute provided by AgglomerativeClustering, but so far I\'m out of luck. I can\'t use sc

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-31 15:21

    I came across the exact same problem some time ago. The way I managed to plot the damn dendogram was using the software package ete3. This package is able to flexibly plot trees with various options. The only difficulty was to convert sklearn's children_ output to the Newick Tree format that can be read and understood by ete3. Furthermore, I need to manually compute the dendrite's span because that information was not provided with the children_. Here is a snippet of the code I used. It computes the Newick tree and then shows the ete3 Tree datastructure. For more details on how to plot, take a look here

    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
    import ete3
    def build_Newick_tree(children,n_leaves,X,leaf_labels,spanner):
        Get a string representation (Newick tree) from the sklearn output.
            children: AgglomerativeClustering.children_
            n_leaves: AgglomerativeClustering.n_leaves_
            X: parameters supplied to
            leaf_labels: The label of each parameter array in X
            spanner: Callable that computes the dendrite's span
            ntree: A str with the Newick tree representation
        return go_down_tree(children,n_leaves,X,leaf_labels,len(children)+n_leaves-1,spanner)[0]+';'
    def go_down_tree(children,n_leaves,X,leaf_labels,nodename,spanner):
        Iterative function that traverses the subtree that descends from
        nodename and returns the Newick representation of the subtree.
            children: AgglomerativeClustering.children_
            n_leaves: AgglomerativeClustering.n_leaves_
            X: parameters supplied to
            leaf_labels: The label of each parameter array in X
            nodename: An int that is the intermediate node name whos
                children are located in children[nodename-n_leaves].
            spanner: Callable that computes the dendrite's span
            ntree: A str with the Newick tree representation
        nodeindex = nodename-n_leaves
        if nodename
