React-native introduce new Animated
API, I want to make a loop animation such as a bubble scale up then scale down and repeat that progress.
However I can n
Not sure if it's hacky, but I use this:
Animated.spring(this.state.rotation, {
toValue: 5,
stiffness: 220, // the higher value, the faster the animation
damping: 0.000001, // never stop wiggle wiggle wiggle
It's creating spring animation that will never (technically, for a very very very long time) stop waving.
For most of my cases it was enough. Also it has great performance as it does not require any JS tread action ever during animation.
If eventually you'd like to stop it gracefully:
Animated.spring(this.state.rotation, {
toValue: 0,
stiffness: 220, // the higher value, the faster the animation
damping: 10, // never stop wiggle wiggle wiggle
And it'll nicely 'slow down' until it stops.