Updated question : PhpStorm | WebMatrix (IISExpress) | Xdebug.remote_port | — Which Port(s) to put where?
I\'m running localhost web server on my Windows machine w
Based on peteclark3 answer:
I think one of solutions if you have multiple php-fpm versions with xdebug, like php5.6-fpm, php7.1-fpm - make sure only one is running. I had both 5.6 and 7.1 running. Then tried to change on 7.1 to 9001 port. But if I change to 9001 port in PhpStorm, then 5.6 starts not working, because it listens on 9000. So each time you change php version, then probably you would need to change setting in phpStorm. So I think it is better to have only one of php-fpm running and all php-fpm versions can use same port.