I am currently working on a simple interpreter for a programming language and I have a data type like this:
data Expr
= Variable String
| Number Int
| Add
As an alternative approach, this is also a typical use case for the uniplate
package. It can use Data.Data
generics rather than Template Haskell to generate the boilerplate, so if you derive Data
instances for your Expr
import Data.Data
data Expr
= Variable String
| Number Int
| Add [Expr]
| Sub Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Data)
then the transform
function from Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
applies a function recursively to each nested Expr
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
substituteName :: String -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
substituteName name newValue = transform f
where f (Variable x) | x == name = Number newValue
f other = other
replaceSubWithAdd :: Expr -> Expr
replaceSubWithAdd = transform f
where f (Sub x (Number y)) = Add [x, Number (-y)]
f other = other
Note that in replaceSubWithAdd
in particular, the function f
is written to perform a non-recursive substitution; transform
makes it recursive in x :: Expr
, so it's doing the same magic to the helper function as ana
does in @chi's answer:
> substituteName "x" 42 (Add [Add [Variable "x"], Number 0])
Add [Add [Number 42],Number 0]
> replaceSubWithAdd (Add [Sub (Add [Variable "x",
Sub (Variable "y") (Number 34)]) (Number 10), Number 4])
Add [Add [Add [Variable "x",Add [Variable "y",Number (-34)]],Number (-10)],Number 4]
This is no shorter than @chi's Template Haskell solution. One potential advantage is that uniplate
provides some additional functions that may be helpful. For example, if you use descend
in place of transform
, it transforms only the immediate children which can give you control over where the recursion happens, or you can use rewrite
to re-transform the result of transformations until you reach a fixed point. One potential disadvantage is that "anamorphism" sounds way cooler than "uniplate".
Full program:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Data -- in base
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data -- package uniplate
data Expr
= Variable String
| Number Int
| Add [Expr]
| Sub Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Data)
substituteName :: String -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
substituteName name newValue = transform f
where f (Variable x) | x == name = Number newValue
f other = other
replaceSubWithAdd :: Expr -> Expr
replaceSubWithAdd = transform f
where f (Sub x (Number y)) = Add [x, Number (-y)]
f other = other
replaceSubWithAdd1 :: Expr -> Expr
replaceSubWithAdd1 = descend f
where f (Sub x (Number y)) = Add [x, Number (-y)]
f other = other
main = do
print $ substituteName "x" 42 (Add [Add [Variable "x"], Number 0])
print $ replaceSubWithAdd e
print $ replaceSubWithAdd1 e
where e = Add [Sub (Add [Variable "x", Sub (Variable "y") (Number 34)])
(Number 10), Number 4]